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Friday, June 26, 2009



Flying cross Country leaves a lot of time for thinking, whether I choose to or not.  This week has brought changes that I recently had a clue would be coming...though perhaps just not yet, and the deep down part of me hoped "not at all".  

 Off and on over the years I have attempted to "hear"  and be open to my "destiny".  It seems that my main motivation to do this relates to the evolution of my life, and wanting to finally get it "right"...again I am here and thankfully I have arrived at the conclusion that this will probably never happen...this realization has taken some very serious pressure off of me...in a good way...

Some things I am clear on:

Speech and thoughts are "free"...they do not need others agreement, though acknowledgement and discussion are nice...
Trust is an intangible, a feeling in your heart and soul that you are "safe" to think, feel and express...trust takes a long time to build, and seconds to breakdown...
A start down one road, does not mean a flat street...and I do love flat...
Memories are everywhere...in food, music, pictures, scenery and many other unexpected places...
I did like camping...not having electricity is actually okay...

Some things I am not clear on:

My Destiny...
Where the next few months will lead me...
Why I sometimes make things harder than they are...
If love will return to me...in a healthy and balanced way...

This is a picture I shot last week in Boston...from inside a Cab at a stoplight.  I loved the difference between the iron work and the smooth cool look of the concrete.  I can relate to the extremes in texture...today feeling like twisty, dark metal, and hoping to migrate to cool smooth concrete...now that will be a photo!  


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