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Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July Parade

Fourth of July Parade

It has been several years since I have been interested in the 4th of July. When Matt and Laur where little, it was my favorite Holiday, next to Halloween. As they grew, the day shifted from celebrating food and beverage with friends and the anticipation of ooohhh's and aaahhh's as the Dad's jockeyed for position with lighting of firework's...to the "drive by" of maturing children off to hang with their own crowd.

This year brought a trip to Unionville, an amazing place without cell phone service, paved roads, street lights, grocery stores, Starbuck, and most other modern things. It did have delicious homemade food, comfy beds, chairs for obtaining mental health on the decks. The bugs were reasonable as long as you did not factor in the "crickets" which really seemed more like huge, ugly beetles to me.

This is a picture I took of the Town Parade...nothing better than a decorated tractor...nice people...and an open bar policy...

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