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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve
As I have said before, I am the luckiest woman alive. Today I met up with my Son, his girlfriend and a another friend of his at a bar in NYC to celebrate the New Year...2 cosmo's later, a conversation, a photo session with New York's finest, a cigar, and joint conversation with my daughter (on the other coast), and I am completely ready for all 2009 will give...Happy New Year World, and to all, Peace on Earth...

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Philly to Times Square

30th Street Station, Philadelphia to Penn Station, NYC

I took the train this morning from Philly to NYC. I love the view and feel of train stations, and the yellow pillars of Penn are wonderful. The train ride was so pleasant, and I passed the time listening to the opera of Paul Potts, and the spring season of Gucci. I am amazed that I am actually back in NYC, and how at home I feel here and in Philly. Perhaps it is time to consider a tour of duty in the East...though I know that that would not be compatible with the people who are important in my life...but what if...

Times Square, the day before...

This is a picture of Times Square this afternoon...a message board that I was lucky enough to catch with the lips. It is crowded today, and tomorrow will be insane...but that is what I came for, to end this year in a way I have ended no others, and that will pave the way for a different path in 2009. I must thank God for the courage and clarity this voyage has given me...along with some much needed closure. As 2000 and 9 begins...I truly feel this will be one of many of the best years of my life...whatever it brings. I have grown up, and am ready for anything...so stay tuned!

Monday, December 29, 2008

First Presbyterian Church - Philadelphia

First Presbyterian Church
Today I spent most of the day walking the beautiful streets of Philly, with focus on seeing what I have previously missed. This Church is amazing, in the heart of downtown, by Rittenhouse Square. The peaceful feeling of the building poured out over the street, and those standing nearby.
Tomorrow I take the train to New York, and will once again enjoy the Phantom of the Opera on Broadway. I think I could watch this forever...I love the music.
Last night was a wild Mexican dinner with my Son, and friends...Philly has such great food and drink...and for now people...my Son is working on a transfer back to Cali...so my next trip to see him may be a hop, skip and jump to Long Beach...closely located next to my Sister...as happy as I am about him being closer...I will miss the trips to Philly, I am really starting to like it here..

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Philly View

Philly View
They say timing is everything...and I could not agree more. Today has been so special, sleeping until almost noon, brunch, facial, make-over and shopping with my Son's girlfriend. I consider myself somewhat of a shoe addict...and Head Start is a shoe store in Philly that is like no other. All European imports of the cutest styles, and leathers...usually out of my comfort price range, but today, one fifth of the store was on SALE! Can you say brown suede and leather perfect healed boots...that match my yesterday's brown coat...that match my perfect Christmas scarf.

The above picture was taken at the perfect moment of light late this afternoon...5 minutes later while downing it, this view was gone...I was lucky to be paying attention...

Saturday, December 27, 2008


My last adventure in bowling occurred the beginning of November when I was in Philly for work. The Lucky Strike is not your typical bowling alley...full (delicious) bar, neon light, great tunes, and colorful balls! My Son thought it would be a great place to grab a drink, and after 2 games of pool (something I am not good at!), margaritas, and bowling alley food, our lane was ready. After two games, two strikes, a sore arm...and very sore face from laughing...I was gifted with one of the best evenings I have shared with my son.
Today we will meet up with Liz, and hit the several high points. Tomorrow or Monday Liz and I are going for make-overs...let the beauty begin!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Flying to Philly

Flying to Philly...
Leaving Sacramento this morning by air, I thought about the concept of air travel. I thought about how small the plane felt in the sky among the fierce wind...I thought of how I would be seeing my Son on the other side of the Country tonight, and for the next few days, and I thought about how large mountains seem, and how small they are from above...which flipped me into continued commentary in my head about my life...and I think made some things that have not been clear...clearer...a very good thing.
This is a picture of Nevada...just over the California border...Reno-ish...

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day

Christmas Day
Today began as heavenly and morphed into a surreal afternoon that included gifts and dinner with someone who when she was not suffering from dementia did not like anything about me. I am proud of myself and how I have grown into a person I respect. It was my idea to entertain her...though in retrospect I am not sure if that qualifies me for sainthood...or a plush room at the sanitarium...most likely the later...
This picture was taken a couple of week ago at Goldhill's Welsh. I have been waiting to post it, and today is that day. I am enjoying the fence that frames the face...sitting in my new scarf...cozy in my new coat...and looking forward to my journey to Philadelphia tomorrow to see my son. The bloom is a bit off the rose with travel these days...and I am wondering how long can I be gone...I will decide in the next couple of days...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Daddy Caddy

Daddy Caddy
One of my best friends, Jen, lives across the street. She and I have been simpatico for a year and a half now...and we have enjoyed many beverages, laughs, tears and "are you freaking kidding me moments" together. Jen's hubby is truly gifted in many departments, including the mixing of the perfect margarita. We began by calling them "Heavenly" which is a very accurate description. Their daughters' renamed this margarita the "Daddy Caddy", and so it is. Last night was an evening with their family and friends...always interesting, fun, and full of great conversation. I thought about sharing some of it...and can see the scenery of the room...but most is pleasantly blurred...though I do remember the "Reuben's" and Alzheimer's Research...so here's to getting out of bed this morning...slowly!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Tuesday before Christmas

Tuesday before Christmas
A friend from PugVillage gave me a mug this year with the above statement...it speaks to me, and describes the past 6 months of my life as I search for the direction of my dreams...and pray for the courage and clarity to execute my life.
I finished my shopping today, which I have put off until the last possible minute. I was gob-smacked at the Art Store today...minding my own business and seeing a gift for that called up a memory that most days I have put to rest...funny how what is healthy, and what is like a magnet are rarely the same thing...thank God I have figured that out...
Friday I leave for Philadelphia. It is the first Christmas that my son is not "home"...so I will see him there. He is a December baby, and so much emotion is tied up in how sick he was before and at birth, and how lucky we are that he is healthy, making his way, and succeeding with his life. In many ways it seems like yesterday that he born...took his first steps, scored his first soccer goal, got into his first car accident, etc...now I will be visiting him in his City, his loft, and sharing his adult life...hard to believe I have arrived, here....

Monday, December 22, 2008


Yesterday marked the 82nd Birthday of one of the World's Finest Women. Virginia has been my neighbor for 14 years, though it is only the last 4 or 5 that I have had the pleasure of knowing her. We have spent many hours this past year drinking, talking, laughing, crying and eating. We have built a strong friendship that has included her truly brightening my life...as well as just having one hell of a good time. One night recently we (okay me) lost my car on the streets of Sacramento. After a lovely meal, we took a "short cut" to the car (never a good idea) and ended up on the railroad tracks, in a suspect area of town, in the dark...all ended well when several blocks later we were safe and on our way.
Tonight I was honored to celebrate her Birthday...we dined on spinach ravioli, yam and gourgonzola bruchetta (how do you spell this anyway?) cosmopolitans, beer and wine (though not necessarily all beverages where consumed by all parties), and grasshopper cheese cake...now my face hurts from smiling and laughing and I am obsessionaly thinking how many miles must I run to remain calorie neutral???
PS...she is holding my cat Itty Bitty...that we "share"...it's a neighborhood thing....

Sunday, December 21, 2008

I Street Bridge

I Street Bridge
This morning was rainy, snuggly and lazy, resulting to a trip to photograph the I Street Bridge. I have not seen the Bridge close up since it was "painted". I like the yellow, and I must also add so do the pigeons! Interesting to note that though there are many nooks and crannies, the birds proudly perch on the top of the Bridge, appearing mindless to the weather...as documented below.
It is an amazing thing to see Sacramento thru new eyes. After living here for nearly 27 years, there is much I have missed, and much that has evolved and changed. It has been really nice to "see" my Sacramento...and I look forward to the next adventure that is just down the street, and around the corner.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Door to ?

The Door to ?
I saw this door today at the B. Sakato Gallery. It was a small garden which held a pond (with rumored hibernating turtle) and many really interesting plants. The door was interesting as it was set against a wall and did not go anywhere...not the usual function of a door.
When I first saw the door, it reminded me of my life...I am at a juncture with a new door...and what is behind it I am not sure, but am hopeful that it is what I am looking for....
Actually, this was also a great idea to combine with the metal vents for my next back yard...something I am looking forward to designing...

Friday, December 19, 2008


Virgin-6:45 am
This morning began at 4 am...EST. For those of you who know me, that is not my finest hour...I prefer 11 ish. Yesterday ended at midnight EST...after spending 1 hour trying to check in for my Virgin flight this morning. The 'Assistant's' at Virgin were not able to assist, leading to an early trip to the airport and a lot of praying that I really did have a seat...to SFO...which led to concerns that I was smart enough to navigate (and awake enough) the Hertz system at SFO...and drive home, which resulted in a shopping stop during which my intentions were to Christmas shop, and instead I ran into Roxane, and we had lunch...well and a tour thru Burberry and Coach...but I digress...
The Virgin experience is pretty amazing...mood lighting, and new age music...reminded me of the W in SF, and who wants to go down that road...again. The TV screens also act as 'menu's' and you can place your order electronically and it 'appears'....no carts or muss in the aisle ways. The seats are comfy, though the most curious thing was how long the wait was to use to bathrooms...people really seemed to enjoy the space and took their time...so note to all...do not wait until the last minute...plan ahead!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

My New Best Friend

My New Best Friend
I have a new best friend...her first name is "Never", last name "Lost". She has helped me navigate throughout Connecticut, and only exhibited mild aggitation when she advised me to go right...I turned "my other right" and she "recalculated my route".
I have never been gifted at reading a map, especially while driving. Earlier this year I found out that I could understand a map with assistance...though that assistance is now a thing in my past...and many things including Never suit me better.
I am fleeing the "storm of the century" in New England, flying to DC, spending the night, and flying Virgin tomorrow to SFO. I have never flown Virgin...and will be interested to see if it is all the name implies! So for tonight I will enjoy my cosmo in a plastic glass and my hot dog with nacho cheese in an airport bar. Who says travel is not glamourous!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Snow in New Haven

Snow in New Haven
It has been a long time since I have awakened in snow. The flakes are so beautiful, and feel good on my face. It reminds me of a time that I was kissed in the rain...something that not so long ago I would have been worried about the resulting curly hair, and today have evolved to (okay, almost) being unconcerned...
It is cold here...though not unbearable. Last night I found the pink leather gloves I have been seaching for...how crazy is that? The East is always the first in fashion....
Bulleted List

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Tuesday in Orange

Tuesday in Orange, Conn
It is amazing to me that yesterday I woke up in Sacramento, and last night I went to sleep in Orange, Conn. Kevin Johnson, Sacramento's new Mayor was on my flight to Dulles, and I think he was the one who bumped my upgrade!
This is the view out of my window early this morning...it is a "lake"...
When I review the past year plus of my life I am amazed by the twists and turns that it has taken. I am so much braver now...and much more thankful for the many gifts that come with each day. I am one of the most fortunate people I know...

Monday, December 15, 2008

Sacramento Airport Parking Garage

Sacramento 4th Floor-Airport Parking

At my crack of dawn this morning I left for a week in Hartford...flying through Dulles. I left the house at the time I had planned...which in itself is a miracle (no laughing in the peanut gallery, please). I wondered about the lack of traffic, both to the airport and the road to the parking lot. Usually early Monday morning is a very crowded time, and today was a little scary with the lack of beings at the airport. This is a picture of the 4th floor in the Terminal A parking lot. I was concerned that parking would not be available in this lot, and have had that experience in the past. It is very scary to me that on an early flight out, I easily found parking, and breezed past Security...with 2 people in front of me in line. Times are changing...and I am frightened if I think about it for too long....

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Napa Home Tour

Napa Home Tour
Yesterday I had the wonderful fortune to enjoy the Nape Home Tour. The houses were beautiful, and the docents precious. The last house toured was amazing...modern in style with great art, home, and garden space. This is a picture of an outside garden wall. Roof vents in all shapes and sizes are hung together, and planted with succulents contained in what appeared to be old socks. The majority of the homes where Victorian Style...and while I appreciate the decor of that Era...by the end of the 7th or 8th home...the small flowers and oak furniture became a bit claustrophobic for me...this home completely spoke my language! After touring the homes, it was nice to sit and listen to the "Bell Ringers"...kudos to these 5 ladies, and their skill...it truly felt like Christmas!
The day was followed with a superb lamb-shank dinner (a first for me)...and more...all of which I look forward to tasting again....

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Tree

The Tree
My favorite part about Christmas is my tree. For years I have gone to the same lot, and been greeted by the same man, just down the street. Every year he says "make sure you come back next year"... which I never questioned, though now I wonder where I will be this time next year. The transporting and 'positioning' of the tree inside has gotten remarkably simple with the invention of the "attached when you buy the tree" water dish. It is some of the best money I spend all year, no fuss, no mess, and NO trying to hold the tree in an upright position, while someone else "screws" the tree into the tree holder...never getting it quite straight, leading to tree sap, needles and words being said in a loud voice that are not consistent with the theory of Christmas.
Each ornament means something to me...either received as a gift from a friend, made by Matt or Laur, or purchased in a special place. When I discovered using netting on the tree, I was in heaven! Happy Holidays to All!

Friday, December 12, 2008


No blog of my life would be complete without mentioning Robek's. I found them over a year ago when my life began it's flux...I had lost my appetite, and dropped below "the perfect in my head weight that would make me beautiful". Many great things have happened during my flux, one being that I was able to let go of the "magic number"...it really did not make a difference...and I must say, being over it has freed up a lot of time for other great things.
Back to Robek's...it is minutes from my house, and a long coat over pajamas is acceptable attire, and make-up is not required. The drive over and back is also an excuse to sing along with my newest, favorite song at the top of my lungs! Lisette and Ron are really nice people, and they each make a super "Venice Burner"...my favorite. It has protein powder, vitamins, pineapple, peaches, orange juice and other yummy stuff...it is supper yummy! My daughter and her boyfriend are now regular customers...and hopefully the rest of our 'World' will catch on, and make them wildly successful...

Thursday, December 11, 2008


I shot this picture at the barn, out next to the arena. It is a pile of tires...the colors were beautiful grey and beige...I found them fascinating...
As I reflected on "tires" I decided that they are in the category of essential things that I do not fully appreciate...when I think about it, there are many things that fall into this category...I would like to believe that I am focused on the "important" things...which today I came to understand cannot be enjoyed without their "un-important" partners...
Note to self: everything is important...oh...my....

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Gym

The Gym
I joined "The Gym" the end of November. It was a big decision, as I have belonged to many other gym/swim/tennis clubs...but the missing ingredient was that I never actually went...more than once or twice. I had a lot of reasons...which led me to my morning of excuses as to why I could not go to "The Gym" today.

Here are my top five reasons...
1. I look fat in my workout clothes.
2. I cannot find 2 "gym" socks that match.
3. I am too tired.
4. I have "real" work to do.
5. Working out makes my hair curly.

In reviewing my reasons I decided that numbers 1 and 3 might be helped by going...and since I am paying to belong, I went. Amazingly, an hour later I am feeling great, focused, not tired, and hopeful that tomorrow I will remember this, and not spend unnecessary energy talking myself in or out of going.

A friend asked me if I would go back to my 21 year old body...and I said no...but maybe my 30 year old one...I decided today that though my body may not be in as good as shape as I was earlier on, my mind is in MUCH better shape, and actually is okay with the way I "look" now...and that realization made my day....

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

High Tea

High Tea
Sunday brought another trip to the barn (Goldhill's Welsh) , and my daughter rode High Tea. It was very foggy and cold, and while we froze looking on, Tea seemed to enjoy the attention. She has been trained to respond to hand signals when working in the Round Pen, and it was really quite fascinating to watch. Gerald is an excellent 'Coach' for the horses, as well as for my lovely charming daughter. This is a picture of Tea, being ridden by my daughter in the open arena. Laur is 'cropped'...as she had on her 'oh my gosh, my legs are out of shape face!', which was priceless,...good to know I am smart enough NOT to post it! I love this mane....

Monday, December 8, 2008


Sacramento, California
For 28 years I have lived in Sacramento. The Capital is less than 5 miles from my current home, as the crow flies. Funny how something is in your own backyard, and you never see it clearly until you are seeing it thru someone else's eyes. Yesterday was that day, though I have been many times, for many different events including fond memories of being a "Field Trip Mom", it struck me how truly beautiful this building and and the grounds it sit upon are. Today's newspaper had quite a large article on how in debt California is, and how State Workers will be considered for lay-offs.
This is such a sad time, such a beautiful building, so many things broken inside...

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Ed is the former owner of Taylor's Market...an outstanding store with a full "butcher" shop, including the freshest fish, meat, chicken and a large variety of tasty hard to find items, as well as some "cooked" food that can make the novice look gourmet. You can always get "help", and they insist on carrying your groceries to the car!
Today, as I was leaving, Ed was on his way in, looking quite dapper. I asked if I could take his picture and use it for my blog...he was quite excited that now he would be posted on the "Internet!"....So, thank you to Ed for providing me with great food for many years...here's to you!!!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Perfect 3; There is No Place Like Home

Perfect 3
Today was Pugtacular, in Walnut Creek, the best of the Northern California Pug Club. All pugs were adorable, beautiful faces, and cobby. The building was freezing and the sales were less than usual...I could not wait to get home to MY perfect black and fawn...and of course Itty, and yes, Kate...who is pouting because Itty is living here this week (she is lucky enough to spend some weeks at Virginia's, my wonderful neighbor who spoils her rotten...this routine started last summer when Virginia's kitty Neeko went missing for nearly a month!) As you can see, Hannah loves to sit on Jack...don't ask me why...

Friday, December 5, 2008


Today was spent catching up from a romp through Kansas. Thankfully my plane out of Colorado was as delayed as my plane in, and I spent the night in MY bed, instead of the Denver Airport. Laundry and mail needed sorting, the back yard needed scooping, plants needed watering, and the pugs needed love. Several errands later, I am late with blogging, and pulling together the details for tomorrow's Pugtacular.
In my view, the World is full of "parts" that make up the "whole". The details of the "whole" are remarkable when enjoyed by themselves. This is a picture of one Cob's owned by Goldhill's Welsh. I can see the softness that a hand can feel when viewing this "part". This is his nose/muzzle and lips. Horses are so large, and enjoying them a piece a time makes it last much longer...enjoy!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Kansas Morning

Kansas Morning
This was the view from my hotel this morning as I struggled to get downstairs on time. Last night was a blur, with too much great food, some difficult conversation, Holiday gift exchange with my Team, and a couple of excellent margaritas. I thoughtfully set my alarm for what I thought was 15 minutes earlier than previous days, making the error of not checking AM vs PM...I woke up late, and showered, shampooed, hair dried (etc), shined and packed in 40 minutes. This lead me to spend a portion of the day wondering why I normally spent 2 hours on this activity....go figure....
I also am in awe of waking up in Wichita, and hopefully going to bed in Sacramento...though this may be pandora-ish...so far my plane is parked on the runway in Denver...must fly here, pick me up, and then return me to Denver in a timeframe that is compatible with my connecting flight out of Denver...it could be a long night...luckily the bar is directly across from my gate...a happy thought would be appreciated!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Food and Thankfulness

Food and Thankfulness
I am so fortunate in that I have never gone hungry...unless you count the one or two times I tried to loose that last pound to fit in my skinny jeans. Yesterday my work Team volunteered to sort food that will be given to families in need of assistance for the December Holidays. There were foods (meats) in cans that I was unaware were available in that format. Pat the Director is an amazing person, calm, direct and visionary...she also "donates" her "salary" to purchase additional food for those in need...a true Hero. It was an honor to assist her efforts, and was a gift to spend time reflecting on the many gifts of my life.
As a side note, Kansas is an interesting place...cold this time of year, flat, good margaritas and nice people. My hair loves the water here, though the wind not so much...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


The past several months have been filled with travel. Several trips to New York, Philadelphia, Denver, Dallas and finally Kansas. Here is my plane from yesterday that delivered me to Denver, a great margarita and a chicken sandwich. I started the new Robert Parker book on the plane, and completed a large portion of my "pug" Christmas Cards...all in all a great travel day. It is freezing (okay, I spent Saturday on a California beach sans coat) here...and flurries are predicted for tomorrow...my cab driver said that "your head is not just something to hang your hat on"...good to know...

Monday, December 1, 2008

Goldhill's Welsh

Goldhill's Welsh
I am truly blessed to have many great friends. I met Jackie and Gerald several years ago when my daughter was looking for a horse to ride. Elvis (Goldhill's All Shook Up) gave me some of the best times and memories of my life...we sold him when my daughter required spinal surgery, which is a topic for another day. My father is a Judge and married Jackie and Gerald...who now have a beautiful daughter of their own. Yesterday we took the drive, stopped for our favorite Pizza Bell toasted sandwiches, and visited. The day was again beautiful, and between the sea air, and the barn air I am confident that Kansas (I am flying in a couple of hours) will be okay!
Here is a picture of one of their prize Cobs...the mark on his face is actually a fly!