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Saturday, July 31, 2010


Saturday = No Pictures Today!

So I took a ride tonight in search of today's perfect picture.  I decided that the old Rail Yard suited my need for some rust...  I was re-routed because of some type of an "old car rally" that closed many of the downtown streets...tax payer dollars at their finest as the Highway Patrol and City of Sac Police waived me on...

I am really not sure how to gain access to the Rail Yard...I saw from a distance the gorgeous rust and imperfect buildings...probably not a place to investigate on my own...though I may try again tomorrow...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Gene Pool

                                                                              Gene Pool

Okay...so this has nothing to do with my day, my life, my dreams...

This is a picture from (again) the Zoo...the Handlers attached branches of leaves to poles so that we, the observers, could watch the Giraffes' eat.  This guy was pretty cute...and I after today I am wondering about the specifics of his "pool"...

Monday, July 26, 2010



Reminds me of a femur, ulna, radius or heart...some days your personality, or your views in general.  Great thing that the World still turns, and hope still springs eternal.

I am one of the luckiest people in the World!  Tomorrow my Father turns 83 years old.  He is the one person who despite all screw ups and odds has loved me every day of my life...no matter how imperfect I am, or how I think, behave or conduct my life.  A true gift, and one I attempt to apply to my children and grandchild...though following in his footsteps requires a boot several sizes larger than I possess.

This is another picture from the Zoo series...another that reminded me of China...it is a window of an old car under renovation...that has not made it to the top of the list...and another shot that I have taken that when I walk away...draws crowds that wander over to see what was shot worthy...and fail to understand...oh well, maybe next time...

Sunday, July 25, 2010



Awe...the fabulous-ness of Sunday...time flies when I am goofing around on the computer!

Yesterday and this morning I met my goal of cleaning out my walk in closet...and guess what...I can now walk in!  And I am one step closer to my next step!  Yeah me!!!

I considered posting a picture of my closet...though this photo won out.  It is from my Zoo shoot earlier this week...and is a view of the side wall where the engine in this car is housed!  I shot it at an odd angle...while several car enthusiasts watched me...then asked what the heck I was doing...an explanation that does not exist, how can you explain something as beautiful and  fascinating as this!

Friday, July 23, 2010



Okay...I am a day off for the photo...though today was productive and held an invitation to dinner with my lovely daughter, grandson and baby daddy (!)

I bought boxes, tape and marking pens today...and am beginning my journey of getting down to the brass tacks of cleaning out and making way for my future.  How did I accumulate so many things over the past 28 years...and how many of them do I really need in my coming life...the next couple of weeks should be interesting.

This is a picture I shot last night at the Zoo...a perfect headlight of one of the display cars.  If you look carefully, you can see my reflection within the headlight...a style of pictures that I have come to enjoy creating.  

I am content to be making forward progress, and am looking forward to were my journey will take me...hopefully somewhere nice!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

It's All Happening At The Zoo...

It's All Happening At The Zoo...

Shades of Simon and Garfunkle...Twilight at the Zoo was hopping tonight...great band, great antique cars, great friends and a perfect shot of the rear end of a Flamingo.

Funny how there are gifts within every day...I am learning to watch and learn...and see what is there instead of what I think should be there...

It was nice to meet a new friend, and bump into an old friend today...and I must say...I love this Flamingo rear...they are such beautiful birds...and the feathers are "remarkable impressive" ... a twist on today's perfect quote! 

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Shock and Awe...well...Not Really...

Shock and Awe...Well...Not Really...

I know myself pretty well, and most days I can see the writing on the wall.  Today was no exception...some fabulous hours, not a surprise...though the bottom line of what it all means continues to be clear as mud to me.

I was advised last week by a friend to "live in the moment"...I think I do that now more than I ever have...though that is still not my most comfy space...and I think that I need a "deeper" meaning...

This is a picture I took at the Sacramento Ice House several months ago.  It has a special meaning and I love the colors...and there it is...that "love" word again...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lady Bug

Lady Bug

I have had moments of feeling like I am in the middle of a hornet's nest the past few weeks.  I can hear the whining and the buzzing...and it compels me to close my eyes and wait for the sting.

Since I am lacking a photo of hornets, I randomly remembered one of my favorites from a long wandering drive along the Sacramento River last Spring, where I stopped and shot in the drizzle time and time again.  

These two were enjoying themselves on the side of the road...frankly, I was a bit envious...I have grayed out the background with a new iPad App...and am pretty pleased with how the bugs pop! ... must be nice ... 

Monday, July 19, 2010

Something I Had Forgotten About...

Something I Had Forgotten About...

When I first became single, I spent time looking for symbols and words that would help me make sense of hours in the days and nights.  One of the first things I bought was an antique stained glass window that I had intended to relocate to my "home" ... once I found it.

Nearly three years later, the window has graced several corners of my old/current home ... and along with me, has not quite found its way into our future!  Today as I was once again gazed at the window while conference calling, I noticed the beautiful corner rich with peeling paint and a bit of rust (pictured above)...and somehow the day just got better!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

When Someone...

When Someone...

I have a thick skull...something that sometimes serves me well and other times does not.  A recent friend of mine has a saying..."When someone shows you who they, believe them..."  though I love the saying, and really do "get" it...I am not good at this...

I think it is the "nurse" part of me that never believes that I cannot "fix"
 it.  Today I am considering switching careers!

This is a picture I took in Unionville...where things are simple, quiet and lovely...something I am hoping to recreate in my everyday life...soon...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

White Knight

White Knight

I struggle to get enough rust in my life to fill the void that requires it.  As some souls need music, my soul needs rust...makes me wonder what my Mother ate, drank, or breathed while I was in utero...perhaps it is a latent response to the lead paint I was exposed to as a child!

This is another picture from the past few months...that menopause has erased the details of from my memory.  I like that is fluctuates between appearing as a horse head to the vague resemblance of a knight.  In a perfect World this is what MY knight would look like...simply beautiful with rust around the edges...

Friday, July 16, 2010

My Daughter is a Quarter of a Century Old!

My Daughter is a Quarter of a Century Old!

Today marks the 25th Birthday of my daughter.  I clearly remember the shock and awe of finding out I was pregnant again, and the joy of seeing her slide out of me.  Raising her was a challenge...which made me a stronger woman and Mom. 

As I think back to our days of sharing the love of Elvis, the year her soccer team was not scored on due to her aggressive back field play and the day I carried her off the field with a broken foot while she screamed at the top of her lungs "I want to go back in!",  her fabulous friends who I still admire, several days of "makeovers!" and the years that her back did not support her, I am greatful to have been so blessed and gifted with Laur.

This is a picture I took during a wonderful day at Mare Island.  I have found that I see "faces" in places I would not expect or would have seen them several years ago.  I do see differently now than I did before, and that is one of the many gifts that have come out of the past several years...and I look forward to sharing this view with my future...


Thursday, July 15, 2010



Words are piling up, and have had no where to go ... so today as I sat in the Little Rock Airport it struck me that resuming this blog that talks to myself would be a great thing to do.

Gears have shifted and projects are left in limbo. Luckily, my mind is never short on ideas ... so the two on the front burner will be a nice distraction over the next few weeks.

First on the agenda ... clean up my old dirt ... and secure a "home" ... if I can pull this off, even I will be impressed with myself.

This is a picture that I am unsure of its location ... I am thinking Mare Island ... though perhaps I am off ... regardless ... I like the upward view ...