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Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Bathroom

The Bathroom

A portion of all human life is spent in the bathroom. No one talks about it...but it happens...

I think my favorite bathroom is on the bottom floor to the San Francisco Hyatt, just up from the Ferry Terminal. Not only do the rooms offer amazing views of the City, the "orange" in the bathroom is beautiful.

This is a picture of the tile in a recent Bar bathroom I had the pleasure to visit...I had to wonder what the "tiler" was thinking...and am fairly sure this job was a creatively done with leftovers from others...

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Blue Grass

Blue Grass

In March while in Death Valley, we met a couple who live in Oakland that are becoming friends. M & M both play guitar and sing, and that is how we met them...on the balcony, serenading our block of rooms. M has her band, and they are performing tonight at a Bar in Alameda. We were lucky enough to enjoy dinner with M, while M rehearsed.

This is a picture of my cosmo...and his beer. A lovely evening with great company, delicious food and great music...pretty much a perfect Saturday...

Friday, May 29, 2009

Another Drive

Another Drive

Funny how the weather plays such a role in everyday life. Upon entering my car, the temperature gauge read 87 degrees...20 miles later, crawling along while men stand proudly amid orange cones with vests, hats and puzzled looks, the sky is now dark, and pitching down rain and hail...making it difficult to see and drive...another magnificent piece of a spectacular week.

This is a picture taken at the beginning of the storm...I may need to rethink my near obsession of the color orange...or perhaps I was a Cal Trans Worker in my former life...now that is just scary...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Several Days in Reno

Several Days in Reno

Today began my week in Reno. I love the drive...the mountains, the lakes...though I was surprised to see that in the 3 years since I have last made this trip...Cal Trans has made little if any progress in repairing 80 East...orange cones continue to block the highway...and men continue to stand around looking as if they have no clue as to what they should do next.

This is a picture of the view from my room. The river is so nice...and the margarita's...and bar patrons smoothed the edges of a difficult day...

Monday, May 25, 2009

More Peeling Paint

More Peeling Paint

Ahhh...another shot of peeling paint...from Santa Fe. The air and clouds there are like no where else...and then there are the colors...

This shot was taken during a walk about town...someday I may call Santa Fe "Home"...it is one of the few places besides California, Denver and Philadelphia that speak to me...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Open Studios

Open Studios

Today brought a trip to the Beach, where the fog was nice, Hannah continually pugtona-ing in the opposite direction from the rest of the group was annoying...it is truly surprising how fast she is, and Jack took his first swim in the Ocean...leaving me to wonder if I would be joining him...thank goodness he figured it out.

We visited several "Open Studios" and true to form, this water hydrant caught my attention...

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Duck Tape

Duck Tape

While I will admit that this is not one of my most favorite "photos", it is important in that it represents another first in my life. A couple of weeks ago, post Santa Fe, I purchased some base supplies to dabble in Pastels. Today yielded a trip to Home Depot, where I found this awesome board (piece of plywood) to tape the pastel paper to...AND while looking for (boring) masking tape, I was directed to the "Duck Tape" area...

This is the first roll of Duck Tape I have owned...I love the way it tears...and smoothly sticks the paper to the wood...yes, I get that I probably need to expand out my life...though that was last week in NYC, and will be next week in Reno...and the following week in Little Rock. For today I am enjoying my Duck Tape...yes...it is the little things...

Friday, May 22, 2009

Water + Junk = Great Space!

Water + Junk = Great Space!

As promised by the "birds", the drive to La Guardia was eventful. Crazy drivers, even by New York standards, made language colorful...and tested the brakes of the rental. Just outside an unplanned detour that did allow us to see some great homes along the river, was a gas station that had this view...two of my favorite elements...water and junk...how much happier can a girl get...???...honestly I am not sure....

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Journey Home

The Journey Home
As I will be finding myself many times in the coming months, I am once again at the airport...waiting to travel home. After spending 7 weeks "at home" it has been a bit of a shock to my system to resume this lifestyle. Today (day 4) is better...so it feels as though I will acclamate...though the isolation of the travel is something that is nawing on me...and I will need to find a way to shake it into a more comfortable place...
This is a picture of the windshield of our rental car this morning as we headed to the diner for a true New York breakfast. If you look closely you will notice 4 long stretches of bird excrement...making me wonder if this is a commentary on the afternoon and evening of travel that lies ahead...
I am taking a small amount of comfort in that this was on the "driver's" side of the car...when I am technically a "passenger"...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

View from the Emergency Exit

View from the Emergency Exit
One of the many things I have learned in the past 2 years is that vision is 360 degrees. Today in viewing the emergency exit route, and turning slightly to the right...yielded this beautiful building with all of the top windows blown out...as a bonus, Firestone tires where stacked everywhere, and the signage and junk completed a perfectly wonderful portrait...ahhh....nice....

Monday, May 18, 2009

A Flight to NYC

A Flight to NYC
A day of travel and I am in New York. I nearly was not allowed on the plane this morning as the computer stated that I had "already boarded" during the "boarding" process....HUH????
I love New York...the air, the food, the scenery...this is a picture of a graffiti bridge...taken during the cab ride from the airport to the hotel...it is a balmy 70 degrees here...much nicer than the 105 degrees I left behind...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Sunday Surprize

A Sunday Surprize
I had received an unexpected invitation to dinner in the City earlier this week. A nice walk, a bit of shopping, a tour of the Apple Store led to drinks and dinner. As I was getting seated my lovely Son, fresh from Philly, and Liz walked in...what a gift to be able to spend time with them...he is happy, looks fantastic, and sporting a new corporate flair.
One of the many gifts of being a parent is watching your child blossom and grow...there are many moments when you pray that it will, though fear that day will not be coming...I am very lucky to have had that day...great job, Mogy...I love you...

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Behind Door Number One

Behind Door Number One
Saturday was spent settling the house, and my nerves in preparation for my week in NYC. I have not traveled for several weeks, and though I do have a system, it does not feel as seamless as it sometime does.
This is a picture I took last year in Philly. Once again I find myself search for the right door, and the magic formula for opening it in all of its glory.
Tonight brings a Gallery Opening...that deepens my desire to paint...and tomorrow will bring an adventure in the City...and the opportunity to continue to clean out old dirt...I will be happy when I can let that cleaning lady go...I think I am close...

Friday, May 15, 2009



Actually...so there is no confusion...this is a picture of peeling paint on two milk cans taken at Johnnie's, on the way to Taos...the red was beautiful...and the texture interesting...what this has to do with the sonogram I am not sure...it just felt "colorful"... and since there were two...

Today was "the" sonogram, I am officially a 10 week, 1 day under construction Grandmother. Luckily we saw 2 arms, 2 legs, a body and a head...all other parts are in progress...though Alex is holding on to the idea that he saw testicles...which technically should not be there for 6 more weeks...though you know...it is HIS child... The funny thing is that Laura will have the same OB-GYN that delivered her, for her prenatal-delivery.

I am looking forward to seeing Gary again...we spent hours together with Matt, working to keep him from being delivered early...each day was celebrated as a victory, knowing the challenges facing us if he truly came before his time. I am forever grateful for the days he gave us both, and ultimatley the gift of the best son on the planet. He jumped on the ride with Laura...and feigned joy when I presented pregnant...knowing what our last round had been.

Hopefully those memories are not as vivid in Gary's mind as they are in mine...I am happy that Laura is guarenteed the expertise, kindness and respect she will need during this time...it does make all the difference in the World...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A Whirlwind of a Day

A Whirlwind of a Day

When I got up this morning I had a rough, or perhaps hazy idea of what the next 20 hours would hold...once again...I was wrong. By noon my week in Little Rock had morphed into a week in New York City...then Philly...then Little Rock...though I did learn that everything can change in 5 minutes...and not to be wed to any schedule.

This is a picture of what feels to me to be confusing...and this is how my emotional and scheduling self is feeling...though is really a picture of oxidized paint...on a gas pump...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

U Turn

U Turn

Here is a shock...sometimes life does not go as planned...or dreamed...or wished...or hoped for...or imaged...and I have learned that I am okay with that. Hopes and dreams are what my fantasy world was made of...and I do not live there anymore...harsh...but true. Bottom line is that what is given, is only great as when it is given freely...

This is a picture of a "street sign" in Santa Fe...a "stop/go no further" so to speak...it is difficult to listen to the words of those around you when they are speaking in a tone that is harsh to hear...I am proud to say that I am "listening"...and am okay with the words...and I do get it...all is well...no worries....

Monday, May 11, 2009

Vacation's End

Vacation's End

One of many things I find puzzling is why I cannot figure out a way to have a more "vacation" type life, vs "work" life. I understand the necessity of "working", it is just that the flow of "vacation" better suits me...

Historically, I have had two categories for vacation...a "vegetable" vacation, which entailed a lot of sleeping, eating, drinking, laying in the sun, swim, then repeat....or an "active" vacation in which every moment is crammed with activity, and I needed to return home, and to work to recover my energy.

The last several vacations I have taken have been a pleasant combination of "doing and relaxing", and seeing parts of the World of which I had no previous knowledge. They have been interesting, as well as changed the way I was seeing some things. It is this balance that I am hoping to be able to increase, and add additional numbers of currently unavailable hours...

This picture was taken in the back quarters of the most wonderful collection of old gas pumps and carefully selected "junk" on the road to Taos. It is the hood of an old car...which I am totally captivated by...along with the 1 million other objects Classical Gas contained...truly an amazing place that would be perfect to spend more "vacation" hours.

Sunday, May 10, 2009



One of many things I enjoy about myself is my ability to make myself laugh. While on vacation this week, I took several pictures in which "I" showed up in while downloading. Now I am thinking that this might be one of my "new" things...shooting and being visually in the picture, though hopefully less obvious, and perhaps hidden to the casual observer...

This was shot in Santa Fe...a great place to create new ideas...

Saturday, May 9, 2009



The drive from Santa Fe to Taos is beautiful, magical and as you will see in the previous posts, contains "Classical Gas"...a Mecca for lovers of gas pumps and tastefully selected "junk".

This is a building that in it's former life was lovely and interesting...now covered inside with graffiti...the outside slowly crumbing with time...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009



Today was interesting...a regular routine interrupted by an unexpected non functioning straight iron...thank goodness this was a day that a pony tail could accommodate an extra hour and a trip to the "Beauty Store'...

I have driven over this Bridge thousands of times in the past 15 years, and today I stopped to photograph...not really sure why...but it was fun!

Monday, May 4, 2009

On the Road Again

On the Road Again

Jack and Hannah now love riding in the car...in their crate...here is a picture on a recent trip...I think they are smiling...

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A Corner

A Corner

Out and about I was called to capture a photo of this corner that again I have driven past many times in the past 15 years...I am not sure why I was stopped and shot this, but it felt good, and many of the transient walkers thought I was a bit off...another great moment...

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Black Saturday

Black Saturday

Edited with note to self...raw emotion...tequila...and blogging do not mix...

Friday, May 1, 2009



A run today lead to the discovery of "reflectors" that are posted at the end of a street, on an old white fence. There were three in total, all similar, though each with its distinguishing detail.

This is my favorite shot that shows a bit of the white fence...reflections...quite appropriate to these moments of my life...