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Friday, July 31, 2009

Eye of the Lighthouse

Eye of the Lighthouse

Next to the Eiffel Tower is the Maritime Museum. With the size of most sites here, it is one of the few that does not seem overwhelming from the outside, and gives you the impression that you will be able to comfortably walk the entire exhibit. The weather here is perfect and there is so much to see and photograph.

This is a picture I took inside the Museum of the glass lens that once was the "Eye" of a Lighthouse. I got lucky with the colors! It is of interest that cameras and picture taking is allowed and encouraged inside the Museum...really a lovely gift...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

If this is Thursday, it must be London

It this is Thursday, it must be London

Time is a little fuzzy from the flying and changing time. Today is Thursday and I am in London, at least until departing for Paris. Breakfast this morning was excellent, and it is seldom that I am that hungry and consume food with such gusto. I had forgotten how crazy scrambled eggs and baked beans sounds...and how delicious they taste...sounds more like a camping meal than a City meal...

This is a picture I shot in during the cab ride to the International Train Station. It is a portion of the large bus that transports, and regularly cuts off the cab, and causes the Driver to curse. The number of moving people here is less than I remember during my last trip, and less than I expected. I will be adding "train stations" to my list of favorites...though still behind rust and peeling paint.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

London Train Station

London Train Station

London to Paris via the train is a pretty nice way to travel. Security is present, though lax by US Airport standards, and the Police who checked my Visa forgot to look at my face. There is a Card Store that sported two of my new favorite cards...the first saying "it is great to get old...unless you are a banana" and the second saying "for a woman's birthday she wants flowers, jewelery, cake, dinner out, cards, and other precious gifts", for a man's birthday the woman should show up naked and bring beer." Is is any wonder the divorce rate is what it is...why did I not learn that in school!...though better late than never...

This is a picture of the 2nd floor of the London International Train Station...such a pretty and energetic place...

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Some days my life is so confusing to even me, and some days it is so clear. My head seems to be on a little straight the past couple of days, though you might not see that with the hump in my back that Emily will fix tomorrow. Something about being on the East Coast makes me feel a bit more alive, and tonight as I sit at JFK in the 5ivesteak Bar I feel pretty happy.
This is a picture from the train that I took a bit ago...it continues to rain here...something that I have not seen in months, and escaping the heat of Sacramento has been great.
On a side note, my daughter phoned today...the first time because the house alarm was going off, the second time because she had just had another ultrasound featuring Giovanni...who as of late may so far be the most ultrasounded "Peterson/Bannon/Flores" in history. As she proudly reported that he has a heart, brain, 2 kidneys and a bladder (Yah!) it struck me as it has before that he is really coming. The Doctor said he was "long"...not really a Peterson trait (sorry Dad!) ... so perhaps he will be early (and healthy) arriving at Thanksgiving when Mogy is here...today I feel aware of how blessed I am...and that is a great thing...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Jusst When I Think...

Just When I Think....
Just when I think I have seen it all...there is a feeling, situation, or general outrageousness that reminds me that when you live...you learn...
Suffice it to say that someday I will figure it out...though when that will occur is up to the Universe...and my menopausal being. This past week, actually the past 2 years have been lumpy, and just when I thought I had committed to going right...left seems the direction I have been chosen for...once again I will see how that works out for me...
This is a picture I shot today...in New York...where I am working. It is of interest to me that someone thought it was necessary to lock up toilet paper...and made me wonder...with all of the World's current challenges...why would locking up toilet paper be thought about or even necessary...??? Candidly, is this the product that is now so valuable that I should consider it as an investment dream of opportunity and my current retirement plan!!! Is this the clue of a shi**y, or pis*y life!!!???

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


One of the advantages of travel is getting to see things that are not your norm. This was especially true this morning when of all things I saw and felt rain...quite different from the 113 degrees I was barely breathing thru in Sacramento.
This is a quick shot of the puddles in the parking lot as we left for the day...not remarkable by themselves...though a nice site that makes me look forward to Fall...

Monday, July 20, 2009

Are You Kidding Me?

Are You Kidding Me?
Airports are becoming comfortable for me...and I am finding things of interest to keep me busy. Today's connection in Minnesota was a surprise, and for that I must thank my Travel Department. Who knew you could fly to NYC on such a tiny plane.
This is a shot from my seat looking forward. 1 seat on the left and 2 on the right...First Class...and 5 seats across main cabin. My trusty carry on was not carry on-able...it was possessed on the boarding ramp, and returned "plane side" in New York. I could not stand in front of my aisle seat...something I can easily do in a regularly sized plane.
On the up side...the close quarters made for two new friends...one from Denver, and one from Minnesota. Who said flying was not fun??

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Another Run

Another Run...
Another day, another run. While the rose caught my attention yesterday, today's focus really is more me. Believe it or not, this is a picture of the ground, mixed with some pollen like material.
Same music, same route, different perspective...when you think about it...life is truely amazing!

Friday, July 17, 2009


I am still running as often as I can. Work and travel interfer with what has become a comfortable routine for me. I think my favorite part is the scenery and the music...I would not be able to run if not for the brilliance of iTunes.
This is a picture I took of a rose bush I ran by this morning. The smell was sweet and reminded me a bit of pineapple...and I enjoyed listening to my new favorite "Theory of a Deadman"...crazy title...great music...

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

It is HOT!

It is HOT!

Summer in Sacramento...is HOT...and a yearly reminder that there must be more climate friendly places to live.

This is a picture of SNOW, that I took on Saturday while enjoying Mount Lassen. I am seriously considering blowing it up poster size, and hanging it in many rooms...just as a reminder...

Monday, July 13, 2009



Monday pales in comparison to the weekend...and the experience of fishing and floating. The smell of pine is much more pleasant than the smell of Sacramento heat...and I am missing the elements of my weekend life tonight...though glad to be not traveling and listening to pug snores...

This is a picture I shot at the cabin on Saturday...the side of the house with a glimpse of the float tube technically hanging off of the truck. I am thrilled with the colors...and the memories...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Forest for the Trees

Forest for the Trees

I have been intrigued by the saying "you cannot see the forest for the trees"...at least that is how I remember it. Friday brought a beautiful drive to Mineral...a portion of which was slowed down by the efficient operation of Cal Trans...which lead to being able to "see" the scenery in a manner that could be appreciated.

Though it is a rare occasion I appreciate being stopped in the name of progress (Cal Trans)...it was nice to have the opportunity to see the Forest...and the Trees...

Saturday, July 11, 2009



Saturday brought a trip to Mt Lassen. Who knew what fascinating sights awaited me...boiling mud, steam poring out from the mountain, Emerald Lake, and a beautiful blue lake whose name escapes me as I type. The most amazing part was the snow that was still present...and the need for a light weight jacket.

This is a picture of a rock on the mountain. Many beautiful views that take your breath away, and the reminder of how powerful and beautiful nature truly is...

Friday, July 10, 2009



Friday and Saturday night was spent fishing. Who knew that you fished at night? During my formative years fishing was done frequently, and an all day uncomfortable event...that is another story though. Fishing for trout is actually quiet pleasant. The float tube is a miracle invention that when combined with the correct clothes and shoes is really quite remarkably relaxing and fun.

I was proud to have caught a tree on Saturday night...along with wrapping line around my boot and flipper which was covertly attended to by a passing boat...you could see the men chucking at the "blond" with the tangled twine, though the highlight was my call to Jen on the cellie...and the "are you on a cellphone" belly laughs! Hey, a girl has to do what a girl has to do...

This is a picture of beautiful twisted rusty metal near the cabin...some things do not change for me...and the amazing things I have been shown over the past months continue to delight and blow me away...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Las Vegas

Las Vegas

I am in Vegas for work, and still loving my photos of Unionville. The weather is and breezy...and the Facility we are visiting is in a beautiful building that is mostly glass, and does not have any rust or peeling paint.

This is a picture I shot in Unionville...I will be sad when how much I love these pictures fade...though perhaps there is something equally as compelling around the corner...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Today I woke up in Los Angeles...El Segundo to be specific. I am here for a meeting, and in the process of the day, I received the wonderful gift of praise from someone I truly respect...previously someone I did not respect had words that were not easy to hear regarding the same product...and I had actually forgotten that I had produced this piece of work until today...in the Women's Room...while washing and drying! Sad to say but I felt a bit redeemed...and internally glorious!
This is a picture I took this morning while looking out my Hotel window. I love how one building reflects the other while giving the impression that they are one. Someday I hope to find this in my life...a reflection, and the feeling of oneness...though perhaps I am living in my own mirage.
And the dreaming continues...

Monday, July 6, 2009

More Rust

More Rust
The rust of Unionville continues...and I cannot get enough of it. This is a picture of the side metal room...with a view of the Valley behind off to the side. I love how the air smells, the wind feels and the people just are.
Yesterday I shot an AK 47, and a Glock. I have a whole new vocabulary now...clip, firing line, magazine (not the kind I drool over the latest shoes). I know how to look down the site, the proper hand placement (though I am a bit wobbley), have had the theory of how a bullet is shot out of a gun explained to me, touched the spent shell and "bullet" that has gone thru the target and learned the theory of not pointing the gun at others and knowing where it is at all time...which is a challenge for the menopausal woman.
And may I say...riding an ATV down the gravel roads with dust coating my flying hair is a very nice way to travel...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Another Lucious Day in Unionville

Another Lucious Day in Unionville
As the weekend purr-ed on...the company and the conversations only got better. One thing I am greatful for every day is the stories of the patients I serve. While dialysis is no picnic, it does allow many to spend time with loved ones, and live a life that would not be possible without functioning kidneys. I was lucky enough to meet several brave and inspirational people in Unionville, and hear their stories...a constant reminder that life is not easy, and everyone in their own way struggles...I will stop short of the "We are the World" song...
This is a picture I shot outside the Schoolhouse/Bar...an old wheel, with junk piled behind it. Again, the rust and peeling paint speak to me in a way few other things do. I am growing up in many ways, and have lost the necessity to "run"...it is great to finally feel that my skin fits...life is good...

Saturday, July 4, 2009

4th of July Parade

Fourth of July Parade

It has been several years since I have been interested in the 4th of July. When Matt and Laur where little, it was my favorite Holiday, next to Halloween. As they grew, the day shifted from celebrating food and beverage with friends and the anticipation of ooohhh's and aaahhh's as the Dad's jockeyed for position with lighting of firework's...to the "drive by" of maturing children off to hang with their own crowd.

This year brought a trip to Unionville, an amazing place without cell phone service, paved roads, street lights, grocery stores, Starbuck, and most other modern things. It did have delicious homemade food, comfy beds, chairs for obtaining mental health on the decks. The bugs were reasonable as long as you did not factor in the "crickets" which really seemed more like huge, ugly beetles to me.

This is a picture I took of the Town Parade...nothing better than a decorated tractor...nice people...and an open bar policy...

Friday, July 3, 2009

Every So Often

Every So Often
Every so often, I shoot something that I am excited about, and my last excusion provided me with 20 images that I love. Unionville provided more rust, peeling paint and metal I have seen since the Gas Pump Palace on the way to Taos.
This is a picture of a keep right sign that is propped against the front bumper of a lovely old truck...complete with rust and peeling paint...

Thursday, July 2, 2009


As sometimes happens, I am running behind in my postings...my real day job interfering with my fantasy art life.
This is one of the 20 pictures that I shot in Unionville...more rust and peeling paint. I could shoot there forever and not be bored...taking inspiration from my Sweetie...and the ever present rust and peeling paint...

Wednesday, July 1, 2009



Tonight brought the gift of dinner with at my Daughter's...myself, her boyfriend, his mother and her father. His mother was a last minute addition, and I must say I am proud that she is incorporating all into her life. She made a delicious pasta and chicken alfredo sauce...and yes I know I need an expanded version of spell check! The girls ajourned upstairs to ooh and ahh over baby clothes and baby furniture...and the men cleaned up...something her father was always very good at...and that her boyfriend could use some coaching with.

This is a picture taken earlier this year...it is the side of a gas pump...it really has nothing to do with Alfredo, or this evening...though I really like the colors, and the memories of that trip...