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Thursday, April 30, 2009



I am quite happy that my Photoshop Elements will take what I think to be a good photo, and with very little effort turn it into a better photo. Though I do not leave most photos this way, it is interesting to fully change the colors, and see then how it speaks to me.

This is a picture I took of a portion of a succulent "patch"...somewhere on my list is to become good at orchid and succulent growing...of course that will require a space and time for permanence and creativity...hopefully just down the straight and around the corner...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Two Roses

Two Roses

Every year the Pug Rescue I assist with has a Pug-O-Ween Event as its major in person Fund Raiser. Linda is a "psychic" that enables a donation to PugSavers, as well as gives you some food for thought about you, your life, and upcoming opportunities and events. The first year I attended Linda's booth, I had a rescue pug, and was interested in what he might be feeling...my thinking was SKEPTICAL! As she ambled along what I considered to be a generic path, she suddenly asked what Max so desperately wanted that was in the laundry room on the washer...that was when I started paying attention...she had identified the exact location of his "treats"...and as anyone familiar with pugs can image, he spent many hours sitting there in hopes of being rewarded...or at least praying for an earthquake that would pitch the Treat Container to the floor and within his reach...

Over the next 3 years I continued to visit with Linda at the Rescue Events, and consulted her when my British Shorthair Kate went missing...she was dead on as to what had transpired with Kate, and when she would be returning...which she did...

Today while running I came across these two roses...one old and one new. Linda had said I needed to keep 2 flowers of the same type on my bedside table, and that that would bring me love. Sitting on my table are 2 blue-purple hydrangias...they have been there for a while and I do not think I always "see" them. As I ran by this pair today, this tale replayed itself in my mind...I like the way the roses look as if they are snuggled into each other...and imperfect...two things that sound pretty darn great...

Tuesday, April 28, 2009



Today I took in my boring Volvo...which I previously loved...for Service. True to form, the pre phone quoted price, and the drop off actual price were about 700 dollars apart...to which Marty offered me a rental at his expense...which turned out to be a silver 2008 Jetta...I have to say...tonight I feel 10 years younger...even my voice sounded great singing with the radio...seats are comfy...it is super zippy...and just overall CUTE!

Tonight I had dinner with Karen. I was formerly unaware of the hysterical nature of men's underwear...from "tighty whities (worn on the back side), to the leopard thong, to the boxing boxer...not to mention the "commando"... my face hurt, and my hands were clamped over my mouth to keep my laughter (and tears) under control...the women next to us were laughing as well, and informed us that the cotton boxer brief was an insult to men in general...great evening...and I thought only women had unmentionable challenges!

Monday, April 27, 2009



Spring is here, and as has been the tradition, my Azalea trees in the front yard are in full bloom. There is something about this time of year for me...maybe it is the smell of the air...and days that are full of sun...that pull me toward an adventure to the Nursery...coming home and playing in the dirt. This year is a bit bittersweet as I am probably not going to stay in this space...and planning and planting do not seem like a reasonable use of emotion...time and energy...back to another day...more opportunities...

This is my Azalea tree shot this morning...in its best glory...truly lovely...

Sunday, April 26, 2009



It seems that everyone is doing it! And after having software for nearly 7 months...I installed it late yesterday! It is pretty cool how many different tricks it seems to be able to do...and I know that I have only scratched the surface of its abilities...and that those far out weigh mine...
I have some questions as to when a photograph becomes PhotoShopped to art...and I am thinking my definition will come to me as I learn more...

This is a picture of wisteria that I shot this morning...and I cannot let it go without saying that I was up at 4:30 am and out of the house at 5:10am for a shoot...there...now I feel better...

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Garage Sale

Garage Sale

Today brought a stop at a Garage Sale. There was a time that I looked forward to Saturday mornings and teenagers who thought being roused before noon was equal to corporeal punishment. I could sneak out and view items that others were liquidating...take a look into their past and watch them reduce their possessions or casting aside mementos in favor of something new.

I am now in the position of liquidating a portion of my former life...and am not tempted to add additional old or new things...as I know that will lead to the need to store or get rid of an existing possession. This is a picture of a wheel barrel that was proudly displayed on the Seller's front lawn...something that I could have used...as this adventure continues...

Friday, April 24, 2009

Stone Wall

Stone Wall

Back to some days you are the windshield, some days you are the bug...and some days you are just up against it. Most days lately for me have yielded a peace that I was not familiar with, and am really enjoying.

I shot this picture because I liked the stone...and the illusion that the white is a door. "Point of interest"...always look for the door within the wall...as camouflaged as it is...I promise you...it does exist...

Thursday, April 23, 2009



Today brought a lovely excursion to Corte Madera...and a brief wait in a parking lot. While wondering how I was going to catch up on days I have missed posting lately...I noticed this beautiful chimney, wood siding and a perfect canopy of trees. Just goes to the reminder...there are interesting sights everywhere...you just have to remember to look...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New Grapes

New Grapes

A walk in the Vineyard with the dogs on a warm and sunny day was very nice and relaxing...I had not previously seen "baby" grapes, and enjoyed seeing the new...as last year I had seen the old...full of beautiful purple color...just before harvest.

This post would be worthless without the mention of the 2 (yes TWO) ticks I found on myself several hours after the walk...a very long shower later, and I still "felt" them...YUCK and ICK!
Point of interest...beauty and ugly live side by side...

Tuesday, April 21, 2009



Every so often I see something that makes me think I should be using it in a way it is not intended. Today during a run I noticed a fire hydrant that I have passed many times before and not really noticed. I am thinking that I should make up a definition for the word "Ganked"...I just like it...and ideas??!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Make Up

Make Up

It is Monday and I am several days behind, which I will be reconcilling over the next few days...I am learning my limits. One on many things I have learned lately is that I am a better and more motivated writer when I am aggitated...antsy...unsure...and in a continous state of decision making. Now that my chemistry is finding its way, and marching in a healthy direction, I am not as creative...so...next on the agenda...learn to be creative AND happy...at the same time...

This is a picture I took this morning while once again going through the motions of meeting and greeting the new day...I detoured down a short memory lane...my first "make up" lesson by my lifetime best friend Karen. She revised my 15 year old face...AND convinced my Mother that it was acceptable for us to wear make up...my first real "you go girl" moment...I began to assess the amount of time I have spent on this activity...and decided that my time would be better spent this morning thinking about something else...

Friday, April 17, 2009

Congratulations to ME!

Congratulations to ME!

It has been several days since my loving, charming Daughter first shared with me BIG news...over the phone...in a round about manner...I am quick though...and in some ways have been anticipating this moment for years...about 8 or 10...Laur has always wanted a baby...and will be the best Mom I know...

Let me be the first to announce the impending arrival of my first Grandchild...due in December...so...congratulations to me...and it would be very much appreciated if there is an alternate name for "Grandma"...something hip and trendy...and MY age appropriate!

So...now we will see if the FAM is reading this blog!

Thursday, April 16, 2009



Spring is springing and flowers are popping up everywhere. Today during a walk, I noticed these growing up through the asphalt and brightening the view...a great reminder that beauty is not always found where you suspect it...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Scarf Addiction

Scarf Addiction

They say the first step in overcoming any problem is to admit you have one...I have a problem...actually truth be told, I have more than one...though today one is all I can be accountable for.

In preparation for moving, I am re-evaluating clothes that I need, and ones that can relocate to a good home. Today lunch was spent assessing the contents of my dresser...6 drawers...an abundance of fabric. The contents of the scarf drawer house my favorite things...and the realization that I have a scarf problem. Velvet, wool, linen, silk and super soft rayon fill the drawer with magnificent color and texture...and parting with any of them is difficult...trying them on is sublime...this is a picture of most of them that I took today during the cleansing process...I was able to part with 5, which left 34 to fit into the drawer...along with my glove collection...which is a story for another day..

Monday, April 13, 2009

Just a Few More Clouds...


Another day, another drive, and another view of clouds...and beautiful mountains, and vineyards...oh my...

Clouds are becoming my new obsession, replacing doors. I have learned in the last few days to see light, something that I have avoided in the past, in a new way. Light really does make a difference...this realization coming from someone who historically sits and works with no or low light.

This is a picture I took while driving...I love that my G 10 lets me take reasonable pictures, while flying down the road at 55 to 70 mph...note to self...look for a measure that prohibits snapping and driving on a ballot coming to your area...soon!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hannah, Iconized

Hannah, Iconized

And here is Hannah, iconized, as she should be...keep your mind on the food!

Saturday, April 11, 2009



Here is my Jack...iconized...as he well should be!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Towards the End of the Mustard

Towards the End of the Mustard

Another season is coming to an end...the end of the Mustard. The flats and the hills are filled with remnants, and the promise of a "better" picture remains in my mind looking forward to next year.

This is a picture I took representing towards the end of the glorious Mustard season...which even is lucky enough to have its own Festival...attended by wonderful Pug People...for 3 years running...note to self...enter the photo contest next year...just for some fun!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Peace and Quiet

Peace and Quiet

Today was a day of peace...and quiet...internally...if you discount the drilling and yelling of the electrical crew that was installing beautiful new lights...they were a bit noisy, and Hannah felt compelled to comment frequently.

This is a picture that I took 2 weeks ago...and I really like the sky. It reflects my current mood, interesting with some hidden "sky" still to be revealed....

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

One Phone Call

One Phone Call

One of many things I have learned in the past 2 years is that one phone call can change my perspective...in a radical way. Today I received one of those calls (I am hoping there is an assigned number of these, so not to be excessive) ...and though I have agreed not to share the contents...I am in semi-shock...and not completely aligned...though know that I will need to snap to reality toot sweet.

This is my watercolor interpretation of my perfect daughter...who I love with all my heart...in spite of any perceived imperfection...she may contain, which from a Mother's point of view...would be none...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A Quiet I Am Not Accustomed Too...

A Quiet I Am Not Accustomed Too...

Today was filled with a quiet that I am not accustomed too...a direction that I thought was opposite of where I am going. Though I work at home some days, the absent conversation was clear, and the meaning unknown. I have lived this quiet in the past, and now know what it represented...today is confusing, and once again I did not see this coming...I am wondering if I am missing the "see it" gene...and where I might purchase one...

This is a picture of a cell block of Eastern State Prison in Philadelphia. I visited it nearly a year ago, and was taken with peeling paint, colors, and the amazing silence that is filled with voices you cannot actually hear with your ears...more like you hear them with your emotions and feelings. This picture represents how today and tonight are for me...loud internal babble...that is causing my head and heart to hurt...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Drive to Napa

Drive to Napa

I really do enjoy driving, and seeing clouds like this makes it even better. Singing is another reason to drive...you can sing along at the bottom of your lungs, and no one is the wiser, or in pain due to the none tuning of your voice.

This picture was taken at a stop light, where I strategically positioned myself between 2 cars...and shot...while one of the drivers pointed and yelled...well what does he know...I was enjoying myself...

Sunday, April 5, 2009



A nice walk through the Park today yielded beautiful sun, a slight breeze and several trees filled with these large bug spun cocoons, all on the South side of the trees. A bit spidery in nature, something...perhaps a larger, green?, caterpillar is on the inside of this cocoon, and the smaller furry brown ones cover the outside, busily moving around...

This is a picture of one of the "cocoons" ... a reminder of the amazingness of Mother Nature...I hope to see how this out...and will be checking back later this week.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Wine Tasting

Wine Tasting

Today was beautiful, perfect weather, perfect friends and a trip to a Winery that was holding a special event tasting. Wine and I have not been on good terms since the birth of my lovely, charming daughter...and I have learned that in this situation...wine wins...so today I enjoyed the company of friends, delicious food, a trace bit of Chardonnay...from which hours later I am feeling a bit dull...and a walk around the property to take pictures.

The picture above was taken on the Winery grounds...an old building, a pile of old cut vines, the newly trimmed vineyard and mountains in the background and a snazzy red truck...the line of vision reminds me of a road picture that I admire. The icing on the cake was that there was plenty of junk and rust...now, if I could just figure out how to flip this passion into a reasonable standard of living...

Friday, April 3, 2009

North of Bishop

North of Bishop

Just when I thought I might be slightly over the intense attraction of the road trip to Death Valley...I realized I was not. As previously posted, I have developed an addiction to shooting pictures while driving...and then decided that this might be a bit silly...came to terms with it and am now back to choosing what makes me happy...

This is a picture taken north of Bishop...while driving along...shooting...and loving every minute of it...I will never tire of re-living the beauty of this road trip...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

My Favorite

My Favorite

So I am thinking that this might be one of the last Death Valley series that I post. Though the scenery was beyond beautiful...this is my favorite picture of the bunch...once again reverting back to imperfect paint, rust and "junk"...

In reality, this is a close up picture of a portion of a bumper from an old railroad car. The car itself was red with a turquoise interior...the turquoise was peeling...an unexpected bonus.

I miss the desert...the water...the spectacular views...lack of cell phone service...and the luxury of vacation...and I look forward to going back...and seeing it all again...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Fourplex


There are days that I feel as if I am more than one person, and in actuality that probably is true. I am attempting to whittle down my personalities to one...though would be quite satisfied if I could achieve and stick with two.

This is a picture I took using Photo Booth on my Mac. It is the feature which sold me on the Mac, when my Son brought his by...and photographed me with each of my pugs...the Andy Warhol look hooked me immediately...along with the moments of laughter with Matt...good times....!!!